Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Too Easy To Pass Up

Keith Olbermann has an amusing column on Jim/Jeff/JD Gannon/Guckert. My favorite bit is this:

“The effect of this,” Guckert/Gannon opined to CNN, “has been that we seem to have established a new standard for journalists in this country, where if someone disagrees with you, then your personal life, your private life, and anything you have ever done in the past is going to be brought up for public inspection.” [...]I’ve had details of dates published as long ago as 1996, and three years ago The New York Post breathlessly reported that I’d gone to a New York Mets game and worn short pants in the press box - a summertime event slightly less frequent than the sun rising. “My life,” Guckert/Gannon concluded, “has been turned inside out and upside down.”

Take a number, Scooter.