Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Now That It's Winding Down...

...I figure it's time to jump on the Jim/Jeff Guckett/Gannon bandwagon. Actually, so many words have been written on this already that I doubt there's anything of substance I could add to it, but I did want to link to this article in The Guardian by Sidney Blumenthal. He gives an excellent summary whose title pretty much says it all:

"A hireling, a fraud and a prostitute"

"Thus a phony journalist, planted by a Republican organisation, used by the White House press secretary to interrupt questions from the press corps, protected from FBI vetting by the press office, disseminating smears about its critics and opponents, some of them gay-baiting, was unmasked not only as a hireling and fraud but as a gay prostitute, with enormous potential for blackmail."

You know, every day I wonder what else this administration can do to further my sense of outrage. And pretty much every day, I unfortunately get an answer.