Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

This Must Be That Random Musings Part...

Well, it's the end of another week. George the Lessor's coronation is over, so maybe we can hear about something else on the news for a while. Although apparently the only newsworthy item most of the networks can find is Donald Trump's upcoming wedding. I see from scanning the various blogs that Karl Rove is trying to change the debate about SS privatization by forcing everyone to not call it "privatization". Unfortunately for Bush's Brain, there's too many instances out there where the repugs have been calling it exactly that, because that was the preferred term of the neocons. I don't want to echo too much of Josh Marshall's words, though, so go read him. :)

I should find an RPG group around here somewhere... I need some fantasy to distract me from the mess I feel the neocons are making of the country. Looting some dungeons or saving the world from nameless horrors from beyond space and time would be just the ticket.