Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

I'm Just Sayin'...

I keep wanting to say that I have discovered for myself how seductive it is to find stuff on other people's blogs and repost it here. :) Not that I'm copying other people's commentary or anything like that, just finding links to interesting things on their sites and echoing the links here, instead of going out there and trawling the web to find my own interesting stories.

For example, I kept meaning to stick a post in here a couple of weeks ago on a screwup that occurred here in NC at a hospital in Durham... It seems that a maintenance crew was working on the elevators and drained the hydraulic fluid off into a couple of empty detergent drums. The drums were re-sealed but not re-labeled, and someone came along and hooked them up to the hospital's instrument santiation system -- for three months (I think it was) the hospital's instruments were being "santiatized" in used hydraulic fluid!

But you know, I like to get out there and read all my favorite blogs, and they have so many good stories of national interest that I let doing my own thing get pushed onto the back burner. Oh, well... it's not like anyone but me has been here yet.