Blowing the Dust Off the Place
I've been too busy reading other people's blogs to bother with this one, sorry. Not a day goes by that I don't read/hear/see something and think, "I oughtta put that on the blog", but then I get wrapped up in doing something else and end up not bothering. But since I see I actually had a couple of people stop by last week, I guess I should put *something* out here...
I've been splitting my reading time between two books - one is called "Weighing The Soul - Scientific Discoveries from the Brilliant to the Bizarre" by Len Fisher; and the other is "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. "Weighing the Soul" is the one I've been enjoying most, so naturally that's the one I've laid down somewhere and can't find right now. My electronic entertainment time has been spent either playing "Morrowind" -- I finally finished the main quest -- or playing Gran Tourismo II. Yes, I am way behind the power curve on that last one. I kept meaning to buy GTIII when it dropped to $19.95 but I never did, and now GTIV is out there already. Of course, I probably wouldn't be playing it now if my son hadn't started playing it himself. Now, however, he's playing his newest game, "Evil Genius", which gives you a chance to become a 60s' style meglomanical villian, building secret lairs and trying to take over the world.
Speaking of reading, though, my wife just stayed up all night reading Jeff Vogel's tales of parental terror, The Poo Bomb, which was originally a blog he kept, but is now a real paper book. However, bits of it are still available on the web, along with its sequel, "The Story About the Toddler", his current blogging subject. This was recommended to us via Kaja Foglio's blog, which you should read as well. Plus, starting next Monday, on 18 April, you can start reading the Foglios' excellent gaslight fantasy work, Girl Genius. The Foglios have made the decision to go from publishing a traditional paper comic to making a webcomic instead; and then trade paperback collections of the strip once a year. I'm going to miss having my real comics to hold on to, but I look forward to getting a more frequent and more regular fix. Or at least I hope it's more regular -- as much as I love Phil and Kaja's work, they have a bad rep for missing deadlines on a pretty regular basis.
Well, it's time to get the kid dressed and out the door for his bus, and I still haven't heard the shower running yet, so I guess I'd better cut this short and start being daddy-like. Later!
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