Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Another "Attaboy" For My State


Outside the hospice, eight more people — including a 10-year old boy and 13-year-old twin girls — were arrested Friday for trying to bring her water.

"I don't want her to die," Joshua Heldreth, 10, from North Carolina, said before his arrest. "I'm not afraid because God is with me."


Also, the FBI said a man was arrested Friday in Fairview, N.C., on charges of sending an e-mail threat, allegedly for offering a $250,000 bounty for Michael Schiavo's death and $50,000 for that of a judge in the case. The FBI did not immediately identify the judge.

Oh, yeah... let's start killing healthy, functional people to "save" a woman with no higher brain functions left. That's the way to enforce that whole "Culture of Life" thing, right? Apparently everyone has a right to life, unless we don't care about them (like little brown people overseas that are sitting on oil); or we disagree with legal decisions they've made/tried to enforce; or they're very little brown babies in Texas.

Heck, while you're reading that last link, look for the one where the Navy is persecuting some poor woman over the $3000 bill for aborting her baby that was going to be born with no brain. It boggles the mind that the Navy's lawyers could say with a straight face that the military shouldn't be involved in killing people -- okay, I'm paraphrasing them, but that's pretty close to what they said.