You Know That Commenting System Everyone Complains About?
And yet most everyone uses? Well, now I'm using it too... I just changed the commenting from Blogger's default system to Haloscan. Well, I say "I" changed it, but really all I did was sign up with Haloscan and click on the little link that said, "automatically install Haloscan on my BlogSpot blog." Poof, here it is. I am hoping that the two or three people that have looked at my blog (literally! my site meter consistently shows about 4 hits a week) might be more likely to leave comments if it's less hassle to do so.
Of course, those comments may very well be, "you suck!" But ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.
Still wondering when I'm going to get off my ass and learn enough HTML to edit my template and put in a bunch of permanent links in the sidebars, though... I at first tried to manually update this to Haloscan and despite the cut and paste instructions managed to screw it up, so that did not exactly fill me with confidence. But I imagine if I would just print out the code and actually look at it I could probably puzzle it out eventually.
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