Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


For anyone stopping in: In case you didn't guess from the date of the last post, this blog has been more-or-less abandoned. I spend too much time on Live Journal these days, where I have a more personal blog. I'm not enough of a news junkie to keep up a political blog, which is what I tried to limit this one to. There are other people out there who are political junkies and who do a much better job at information and occasional snark than I.

Please remember to turn out the lights when you leave. Thanks.

Friday, July 08, 2005

You Have GOT To Be Kidding Me...

Astrologer Sues NASA Over Comet Mission

Hoo boy... Maybe they can get it dismissed on the grounds that astrology is about stars, not comets. Or maybe a judge will just say, "You're stupid, go away." I can hope.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Weekly Post!

Just to keep you guys from getting bored.

Remember the Kansas School board's decision to teach Intelligent Design?* Well, here is a wonderful reply to them insisting on teaching the alternate theory of the Flying Spagetti Monster.

Be sure to read the two replies he received to his letter. Maybe there's hope in Kansas yet.

*Free registration possibly required

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Another Science Story

The "cryochambers" of the Vorkosigan saga get a step closer to reality:

Boffins Create Zombie Dogs

(Hey, that's not my title, it's the one the article has.)

I think they deliberately picked the creepiest picture they could find, not to mention a really negative headline. I don't know, maybe it's echoes of "Frankenstein" still in the culture.

Another Quickie...

I see by SiteMeter that two people actually looked at this blog last week, so I suppose I should put some content here again...

Ancient Greek Computer Found

Hey, I was on vacation last week. Of course, since I've only been doing one update a week for the past month or more, that hasn't been very noticable, but still....