Random thoughts and musings, if I bother to put any in.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Welcome to 2005

I'd like to say something optimistic about the upcoming year, but frankly I'm suffering too much from outrage overload. Plus, with disasters both man-made (like, say, Iraq) and natural (Indonesia's recent troubles) all around us, it's hard to have a bright outlook right now. And frankly, the prospect of four more years of BushCo should be enough to make anyone feel the need for a drink or five. I can only hope that the SCLM grows a backbone and starts holding that administration's feet to the fire about the crap they keep trying to push off on the rest of us.

I reckon one of these days I ought to follow along with the rest of the crowd and have my animal pictures on Fridays... I don't have house cats anymore, so no catblogging, and my dogs just aren't photogenic enough -- the weiner dog is pretty odd, but she would really need video to do her justice -- so that kind of limits my options. I guess I could hang around the local aquarium shop and take pictures of reef tank fish...